Wednesday 7 November 2012


Foot Fetish...

Clockwise from top left \\ Vintage Danish designed foot stools, dark stained wood and leather, available  Klassik Moderne Mobelkunst   \\  Daphna Laurens worked with Wittmann as part of the Passionswege program at Vienna design week, See Daphna Laurens - post courtesy of  Dezeen  \\  Vintage Danish designed stools, Steel and black plastic, available Klassik Moderne Mobelkunst \\ Danish design duo from Space Architecture and Interior Design for Mater, dark stained hard wood with black leather, available Mater \\ 

Put your feet up. Make sure you have a cute little footstool to accompany your favorite easy chair. Foot stools don't always have to match the chair like the famous Eames Chair and ottoman by Hermin Miller, in fact I think they sometimes look more interesting if they don't. I love this quirky little duckish stool by Daphna Laurens and Wittman; multifunctional as a seat and side table and would still blend effortlessly with classics; their furniture really blurs boundaries between industrial design and art - another one of their pieces coming up in the next FURNITURE FETISH post.  


FEATURED \\  Vintage Danish designed foot stools, dark stained wood and leather, available  Klassik Moderne Mobelkunst 

Clockwise from top left  \\  "P.A. Chandelier" from Park Avenue collection by Soren Rose Studio, De La Espada  \\  Artwork "Untitled" 1985 by Cy Twombly (April 25, 1928 – July 5, 2011)  \\  Easy Chair by Illum Wikkelso and C.F Christensen, Klassik Moderne Mobelkunst  \\  FEATURED Vintage Danish designed foot stools, dark stained wood and leather, available  Klassik Moderne Mobelkunst 

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